The End of an Era
In October I was a part of a group of faithful lay and clergy who had undertaken the work to dissolve Lutheran Campus Ministry-Minnesota (LCM-M), which was an organization that had provided a place for fellowship, accountability, and cooperation between the nine campus ministries in the state for many years. This year will be the last that they will appear as one of our contributors. Now LuMin in St. Cloud has been moved on to the budget of Southwestern Minnesota Synod directly. I have been working with Bishop Jon Anderson, the synod council, and the other Southwestern Minnesota Synod campus ministers to begin the work of creating a new space for accountability and cooperation.
We are thankful that our synod has made the commitment to maintain the level of funding that we had received from LCM-M over the last few years.
2017 Sources of Support
We finished the year well, but continue to build a stronger base of support so that we can engage more students. As the board anticipated, we were able to increase my time from 20 hours/week to 25 hours/week. The additional time meant I was able to use my hours on campus to more intentionally focus on supporting students including the roll out of our new program to sponsor student ministry projects.
The Start of Something New
LuMin in St. Cloud sponsored two student ministry projects - the first was a potluck to fundraise money for a local backpack program and the second was a Bible study where the student had the opportunity to develop their own curriculum and study with their friends. For the students’ reflections on their experience check out their stories on our website.
PS - If you know of a student headed to St. Cloud State University in 2018, please send their name to me directly or through the LuMin Network student referral website, which can be found at lumin-networkreferral.org/student-referrals/.
In October I was a part of a group of faithful lay and clergy who had undertaken the work to dissolve Lutheran Campus Ministry-Minnesota (LCM-M), which was an organization that had provided a place for fellowship, accountability, and cooperation between the nine campus ministries in the state for many years. This year will be the last that they will appear as one of our contributors. Now LuMin in St. Cloud has been moved on to the budget of Southwestern Minnesota Synod directly. I have been working with Bishop Jon Anderson, the synod council, and the other Southwestern Minnesota Synod campus ministers to begin the work of creating a new space for accountability and cooperation.
We are thankful that our synod has made the commitment to maintain the level of funding that we had received from LCM-M over the last few years.
2017 Sources of Support
We finished the year well, but continue to build a stronger base of support so that we can engage more students. As the board anticipated, we were able to increase my time from 20 hours/week to 25 hours/week. The additional time meant I was able to use my hours on campus to more intentionally focus on supporting students including the roll out of our new program to sponsor student ministry projects.
The Start of Something New
LuMin in St. Cloud sponsored two student ministry projects - the first was a potluck to fundraise money for a local backpack program and the second was a Bible study where the student had the opportunity to develop their own curriculum and study with their friends. For the students’ reflections on their experience check out their stories on our website.
PS - If you know of a student headed to St. Cloud State University in 2018, please send their name to me directly or through the LuMin Network student referral website, which can be found at lumin-networkreferral.org/student-referrals/.